Friday, May 22, 2020



Mantras Used by TM Teachers Trained in 1961 

  1. Mantra for male students –Ram 
  2. Mantra for female students – Shiram 

Mantras Used by TM Teachers Trained in 1969 

  1. Mantra for male students aged 0 to 15 – Ing 
  2. Mantra for male students aged 15 to 30 – Aing 
  3. Mantra for male students aged 30 to 45 – Shiring 
  4. Mantra for male students aged 46+ – Shiam 
  5. Mantra for female students aged 0 to 15 – Im 
  6. Mantra for female students aged 15 to 30 – Aim 
  7. Mantra for female students aged 30 to 45 – Shirim 
  8. Mantra for female students aged 46+ – Shiama 

Mantra Used by TM Teachers Trained in 1972 

  1. Mantra for students aged 10 to 11 – Ing 
  2. Mantra for students aged 12 to 13 – Im 
  3. Mantra for students aged 14 to 15 – Inga 
  4. Mantra for students aged 16 to 17 – Ima 
  5. Mantra for students aged 18 to 19 – Aying 
  6. Mantra for students aged 20 to 21 – Ayim 
  7. Mantra for students aged 22 to 23 – Ayinga 
  8. Mantra for students aged 24 to 25 – Ayima 
  9. Mantra for students aged 25+ – Shiring 

Mantras Used by TM Teachers Trained in 1976 

  1. Mantra for students aged 3 to 10 – Eng 
  2. Mantra for students aged 10 to 12 – Em 
  3. Mantra for students aged 12 to 14 – Enga 
  4. Mantra for students aged 14 to 16 – Ema 
  5. Mantra for students aged 16 to 18 – Aeng 
  6. Mantra for students aged 18 to 20 – Aem 
  7. Mantra for students aged 20 to 22 – Aenga 
  8. Mantra for students aged 22 to 24 – Aema 
  9. Mantra for students aged 24 to 30 – Shiring 
  10. Mantra for students aged 30 to 35 – Shirim 
  11. Mantra for students aged 35 to 40 – Hiring 
  12. Mantra for students aged 40 to 45 – Hirim 
  13. Mantra for students aged 45 to 50 – Kiring 
  14. Mantra for students aged 50 to 55 - Kirim 
  15. Mantra for students aged 55 to 60 – Shiam 
  16. Mantra for students aged 60+ – Shiama 

Mantras Used by TM Teachers Trained in 1987 to Present Day 

  1. Mantra for students aged 0 to 11 – Eng 
  2. Mantra for students aged 12 to 13 – Em 
  3. Mantra for students aged 14 to 15 – Enga 
  4. Mantra for students aged 16 to 17 – Ema 
  5. Mantra for students aged 18 to 19 – Aing 
  6. Mantra for students aged 20 to 21 – Aim 
  7. Mantra for students aged 22 to 23 – Ainga 
  8. Mantra for students aged 24 to 25 – Aima 
  9. Mantra for students aged 26 to 29 – Shiring 
  10. Mantra for students aged 30 to 34 – Shirim 
  11. Mantra for students aged 35 to 39 – Hiring 
  12. Mantra for students aged 40 to 44 – Hirim 
  13. Mantra for students aged 45 to 49 – Kiring 
  14. Mantra for students aged 50 to 54 – Kirim 
  15. Mantra for students aged 55 to 59 – Sham 
  16. Mantra for students aged 60+ – Shama 


There are different mantras available for beginners, you can choose the basic one so you can make yourself comfortable. In actual fact, transcendental mantras for beginners are considered as your meditation journey foundation.

Aham Prema 

This mantra will help beginners to make a deeper reflection and connection to the holiness of love. Besides, this can also provide calmness in the heart, spirit, and mind. 

Om Namah Shivaya 

This mantra reminds us that every person has their unique holiness within. This can help the person open his self. The vibration that is made with this mantra is usually passed through the heart. 

Aum or Om 

Not only does this mantra have an easy chant to perform, but it is also considered the most universal and most sacred in the Hindu faith. You can technically focus on your vibrations’ conduct through the lower abdomen by chanting the ‘aum’. If you practice yoga, then you have probably heard of this mantra. Om is satisfying, guttural, and powerful to utter. 

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha 

This mantra invokes the elephant-headed Hindu deity, Ganesha. This deity is known as the remover of obstacles. This mantra is believed to awaken the cosmic energy or shakti and evicts the barriers that may stand in your way. Chanting this mantra eliminates unnecessary negativity and frees your energy. 

Sat Nam 

This mantra is popularly used in Kundalini yoga. This type of yoga helps to release the buildup of latent energy lying coiled at the spine’s base. “Sat” means truth while “Nam” means identity, so using this mantra calls on an individual’s true self during transcendental meditation. 
The mantras listed above are a few of the mantras suited for beginners. Moreover, they are very powerful because of their natural power that can help change your thoughts, words, and actions. So, beginner’s mantra is quite helpful to let you experience the efficiency of transcendental meditation mantras. 


Many people ask if you have to sit in a particular posture when you practice Transcendental Meditation. Do you have to sit up straight with you back erect with no back support or do you have to sit with your legs crossed? The beautiful thing about Transcendental Meditation is we just sit comfortably with the eyes closed. No particular posture is needed, so when you practice TM, you just sit comfortably. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Heal your body, Heal your mind

Our bodies are super computers with the ability too heal and program ourselves for good.
this youtube video shows a method to un-program your habits, heal your wounds, cancers, depression, fears, quit smoking cigarets for free, This wonderful tappingseeion is Guided by
Donna Eden. Watch this and please share with friends and family.

Monday, April 20, 2020

"Don't ever take anything they say personal, 
Nothing can touch you, no words can ever hurt you, remember this, because 100% of what's been said to you, is 100% all about the person who's saying it."

indotheartist | Australian Artist

2020 | Corona Virus | The Truth

A group of elites operates from the shadows, many are not  the people that many conspiracy theories are claiming them to be. You  have to understand that they control all that is (the institutions of  education, health, financial, science and media), they create the  illnesses and then sell the bandages, they start the wars and then sell  the weapons to both parties necessary to win the wars, they keep us  fearful so we can then remain under their every control and receive our approval for the horrors they want to do in the name of "our safety", they can  predict our reactions and continue the illusion  that we in some way or  form have a say in the worldly affairs. So they can manipulate  everything and everyone that is, in an infinite of ways, threats, death, fear,  manipulation and brainwashing, fake news, creating worldly events and wars,etc....So when he talks about being controlled by the virus he was  talking about through fear not through social distancing as the last is  necessary to overcome this virus. 
Fear is the worst enemy of mankind, it  disconnects you from any higher source , any inner guidance and allows  you to become a sheep lead by the elites as your sheepherder. It eliminates  free will and your ability to tap into your intuition to find truth and  so through fear people become reliant on those who harm us and control us. Now understand that these are the most  powerful people in the world and their identity is kept very secretive,  they do not live very public lives, but use and manipulate many public figures to help them achieve their goals. 
Also they own every national  bank around the globe and thus cripple the economies that were getting  stronger again, so countries then have to loan more money at crazy  interests from these national banks who are really privately owned by  the wealthiest people alive.  
Now the only weapon against fear is love and this is what jesus wanted to highlight in this channelling,  using this time to love each other enough that we keep each other safe  from infection, that we help those who are alone or in need in whatever  way they need help with, to love ourselves enough to heal and revaluate  our current lives and change that which no longer resonates with us,  that which brings no joy, that which brings only suffering, stress and  pain, to take this time to reconnect to the higher sources of love and guidance. 
Also Jesus was making a comparison of reaction not diseases. He never claimed it was a flu, he was merely stating that noone responds to  the yearly deaths of the seasonal flu, obesity, suicide, addictions,  starvation,etc.... He was making  a point about the danger of getting  used to the suffering and pain happening all year round and why with this is not the case with this virus  although the death  number will never exceed the many yearly deaths of some other human  tragedies and illnesses that we have become insensitive too. 
Also how  vaccines are made today, cause more harm than good to the body. They  need to return to the formula they used about 25 years ago.

So to end this message, his message was do not fall prey to the fear that those who want to stop your expansion and use you as a battery but instead understand that this is happening to bring people closer together, to love each other unconditionally, help each other and use this time to outgrow the manipulation of mankind that has been installed for thousands of years upon humanity. We are ascending as a collective and what is happening today and many previous events are helping us to follow through with that ascension when we are willing to follow love not fear. I hope this  clarifies some of your questions. I can only share what was shared with me through spirit communication. Every individual then has the responsibility to determine what is truth for them as we all live in our own created reality even though we also inhabit a collectively created world.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

How to Manifest using water | Two Glasses Exercise

Although we often tend to view "dimensional jumping" or "reality shifting" as a specific event involving a particular act, in fact it is just a special case of a larger truth about the nature of experience.
In everyday life we are usually oblivious to all of this, due to inattention, or deliberately ignore it, because its implications can make us uncomfortable. However, it is to our advantage to embrace this knowledge and there are simple ways we can leverage it for easy change.
There is more to be said on that, and I'll follow this up with another post in future, but for now I'd like to encourage everyone to perform a very simple practical exercise.

Instructions: Two Glasses Exercise

Here are the instructions, which you should follow exactly:
  • Choose a specific situation that you want to change, but one that you don't necessarily have much influence over.
  • Decide clearly what the current situation is, and what the desired replacement situation is.
  • Get two glasses.
  • Get two bits of paper or labels.
  • Fill one of the glasses with water.
  • On the first label, write a word that summarises the current situation, and stick it to the filled glass.
  • On the second label, write a word that summarises the desired situation, and stick it to the empty glass.
  • With the two glasses in front of you, pause for a moment, and contemplate how your life is currently filled with the first situation, and empty of the desired situation.
  • Then, when you're ready, pour the water from the first glass (the current situation) into the second glass (the desired situation), while really noticing the sounds and feeling and shifting of the water from one to the other.
  • Sit back and see the glasses in their new state; allow yourself to take deep breath and feel relieved.
  • Drink the water and enjoy the satisfaction of having made the desired change.
  • Take off the labels, put away the glasses, carry on with your life.
One thing I'd like to emphasise is that you will get results here, so if you do decide to perform this exercise:

Monday, June 4, 2018

The Anunnaki Creation Story: The Biggest Secret in Human History - Nibiru is Coming

445 000 years ago, “creator gods” – as they call it – came to Earth. They were called the Anunnaki, which means “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came”. These beings inhabited a distant orbiting planet called Nibiru, which only entered our solar system every 3,600 years. They describe Nibiru as many times the diameter of Earth, and abundant with iron oxide, making its rivers and lakes appear red. A side note about Nibiru: according to the Sumerian tablets, Nibiru’s atmosphere began to deteriorate and became a hostile place for life, and in order to restore it, the Annunaki needed one important element for their atmosphere: gold.